Celebrating 1 Year

19th February, 2022

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What a year it's been; because each and every one of you, we've been able to keep going for an entire 12 months at Emergency Cheats UK. It all began on February 19, 2021, when Pitman and Brady launched ECUK as well as Police Cheats UK for the first time. The servers gained members after members in hope that one day we would reach a big milestone.

On the 22nd of February 2021, PCUK gained 80 members in just 3 days of it being open. At the same time, development for Medical Cheats UK was ongoing. Four days later, on the 26th, PCUK gained 100 members and reached its first big milestone. Whilst MCUK was being developed, Fire Cheats UK started looking for volunteers to get the journey back on the road. Then, with four months of ECUK and its subserver(s), MCUK was released on the 23rd of April and PCUK reached 200 members. After a huge 269 days, our biggest subserver, PCUK, gained over 700 members. However, our biggest milestone as of yet is Police Cheats gaining over 1,000 members on the 13th of February 2022. 

We wish to continue striving for as long as possible and to provide the public with easy-to-use information on all of our services. We are also planning to expand with even more things to help our members with their knowledge. 

We will be offering staff vacancies for members in the near future, so keep a lookout for any updates.

We could not thank you all enough for providing us with the opportunity to help you.

Since we have reached one year of Emergency Cheats UK, we do have a new release. Please come have a look at our newest edition to ECUK, our website. We hope that this will benefit not just us but our members as well, as this is a place for everything regarding vacancies, reports, news, regular updates etc. 

From Fred, Frank and the rest of the staff team.

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